The unpublished history book of EvaSUE stated that the pioneers of student ministry in Ethiopia considered themselves as a witness of Jesus Christ in the campus. They said that “We are Evangelicals in the campus. While we are here God will not send someone else, rather we have to be a witness for our friends.” As the forefathers, the current generation is also saying that “we have to be a living witness of Jesus Christ in our campuses”.
EvaSUE adopted small group strategy to disciple and multiple students. Mission or multiplication is one of the four elements of these small groups. This, one of the areas that students are accountable to the small group they belong to, is whether they witness or not. Besides being a witness, they are encouraged to study the word of God for obedience, worship and pray together and create a believers’ community which they are accountable and get any support.
Currently, those three hundred fifty-two new believers are taking basic Christian teachings and at the same time they instructed to join healthy evangelical local churches; so that they may become members of local church based on their choice and proximity of the local church.